• Competitor overview

Estimated Customers



$60-120.00k / yr.

Moz - SEO Software for Smarter Marketing


To provide comprehensive SEO tools and insights for improving online visibility and competitive edge in search engine results.

In short
Moz offers a suite of SEO tools designed to help businesses improve their search engine rankings and compete more effectively online.

Moz specializes in providing a range of SEO tools and services aimed at improving businesses' search engine optimization efforts. Their offerings include tools for domain and keyword analysis, backlink exploration, competitive research, local SEO management, and more. Moz's platform helps users identify SEO opportunities, track search engine performance, and gain insights into competitor strategies. Their services cater to businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises and agencies, with a focus on enhancing online visibility and marketing efficiency.

Strengths against ACHIV
  • Moz offers detailed SEO analysis and domain competition insights, which are crucial for startups and businesses looking to enhance their online presence, whereas ACHIV focuses primarily on validating business ideas through market research.

  • Moz provides a suite of SEO tools like Moz Pro, Keyword Explorer, and Domain Analysis which can be leverage to improve search visibility, something ACHIV does not offer.

  • Moz allows for direct competitive SEO analysis and suggests keyword and content opportunities, providing actionable insights that could benefit new businesses focusing on digital marketing.

Weaknesses against ACHIV
  • Moz primarily focuses on SEO and does not offer broader market research or viability analysis for business ideas, unlike ACHIV which uses AI to deliver comprehensive market and competitor analysis.

  • ACHIV's AI-powered solutions are designed to assist entrepreneurs with business idea validation, offering specific insights tailored for investment decision-making which Moz does not offer.

  • Moz lacks features for understanding potential customer needs and making investment decisions which are part of ACHIV's unique propositions.