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starting from $1,188 / yr.

Resolve Medical Bills | Lower Medical Bills


Goal similar
Resolve Medical Bills aims to help individuals manage, negotiate, and reduce their medical debts, especially those in collections.

In short
Resolve Medical Bills provides services to help consumers validate, verify, and negotiate medical debts, potentially involving consumer protection attorneys if needed.

Resolve Medical Bills is focused on assisting individuals who have outstanding medical bills that may have gone to collections. The service provides guidance on validating medical debts, ensuring that the debts are correctly calculated and not already settled by insurance. They offer advice on negotiating these bills with hospitals and collections agencies, and even suggest consulting with consumer protection attorneys if negotiations stall or if legal actions have been taken. Their approach includes the use of medical billing advocates who can verify debts, check for insurance coverage, identify billing errors, and negotiate directly on the client's behalf. The service emphasizes a data-driven and experienced-backed negotiation process, utilizing specialized expertise in billing errors, insurance appeals, and negotiation strategies to maximize savings for their clients.

Strengths against Afford Health
  • Provides a clear step-by-step guide for individuals dealing with medical bills in collections, empowering them to take initial steps on their own.

  • Offers educational resources and a comprehensive guide, which can be an invaluable reference for those managing medical debt.

  • The website appears to have a strong focus on assisting individuals specifically with bills that have gone to collections, which might be an area of specialized experience.

  • Highlights the value of working with different types of experts depending on the situation (e.g., billing errors vs. negotiations), suggesting a collaborative approach.

Weaknesses against Afford Health
  • May not provide the same personalized game plan for each client as Afford Health, which offers specific strategies based on individual circumstances.

  • The focus seems more on self-help and guidance rather than taking on the majority of the negotiation workload, which Afford Health seems to offer with professional negotiation services.

  • Does not explicitly mention a 'no upfront fees' policy, whereas Afford Health only charges based on savings achieved, possibly providing more financial security to clients.

  • The emphasis on potentially needing a Consumer Protection Attorney can be costly and daunting, whereas Afford Health does not mention involving legal channels except as necessary.

  • Does not offer a first free consultation to gauge the potential benefits and build trust, which Afford Health provides.